

Basic Commands

helpDisplay general help, all commands and help for a specific [all or Command Name].h
inviteDisplays the invite link for the bot to invite it to your server and also a link to join the Support server if you need help..invite.join
pingGives information about the
serverShows valuable information about your
upvoteVote for the bot to get amazing rewards!
upvotedonateDonate your votes to another user..upvotedonate [amount][@User].votedonate
userView another members information..user [@user].ui .userinfo
verifyStarts the verification process set on this server..verify [Unlock Code]Verify does not have any aliases.

Embedding Commands

embedMakes an embed from the embed object you input..embed [@User] {object}Embed does not have any aliases.
embededitEdit any existing embed that was originally sent by Gamer bot..embededit [Message ID][Embed Code]Embededit does not have any aliases.
embedshowLets you see the embed code of an embed so that you can easily edit it using an embed builder.embedshow [Message ID].se

Emojis Commands

emojicreateCreate a global emoji you can use on any discord server..emojicreate [Name][Emoji].emc
emojideleteDelete a global emoji you created..emojicreate [Name].emd
emojisShows a list of all your global emojis you have saved in the database..emojis.em

Events Commands

eventaddAdd members to an event!.eventjoin [Event ID][@User or @Role].eadd
eventadvertiseAdvertise an event from the database..eventadvertise [Event ID].ead
eventcreateCreate a new event in your server so people can RSVP..eventcreate [Tempate Name].ec
eventdeleteDelete an event from the database..eventdelete [Event ID].ed
eventdenyDeny participation in an event..eventdeny [Event ID].edeny
eventeditEdit an event!.eventjoin # [Setting Name][Value For The Setting].ee
eventjoinJoin an event so you can be alerted when it starts!.eventjoin [Event ID].ej
eventkickKick a member from the event!.eventkick [Event ID][@User].ek
eventleaveLeave an event if you no longer can attend it!.eventleave [Event ID].el
eventsView, create, join and manage
eventshowShows the details of an event..eventshow [#].es
remindCreate a reminder for yourself..remind [Time From Now][Frequency Interval Time] [Message].remindme
reminddeleteDelete one of your reminders..reminddelete [Reminder ID].rd .remindmedelete .reminderdelete

Feedback Commands

bugsSend a bug report to your server staff..bugs [Your bug report].bug
ideaSend a idea feedback to your server staff..idea [Your idea]Idea does not have any aliases.

Fun Commands

8ballGet answers to your questions!.8ball [Your Question Here].8ball .8b .fortune
adviceReceive random advice in the chat..advice [@User or User ID].ad
avatarView the avatar of a user on the server..avatar.userimage .pfp
bakaSends a Baka! gif in the current channel..baka [User or Role]Baka does not have any aliases.
coinflipBet on a coinflip..coinflip [Heads/Tails][Amount].cf
complimentMake anyones day better with a random positive gif!.compliment [User or Role].comp
cuddleWhen you really need a good cuddle..cuddle [User]Cuddle does not have any aliases.
divorceDivorce your spouse..divorceDivorce does not have any aliases.
gifSend a random gif by providing a category..gif [Topic]Gif does not have any aliases.
hugHugs the mentioned user/role and sends a gif into the chat..hug [user]Hug does not have any aliases.
kannaThe Kanna command sends a random gif in the chat to increase your daily good-vibes-intake..kannaKanna does not have any aliases.
kissKisses the mentioned user/role and sends an image in chat..kiss [user]Kiss does not have any aliases.
kittenRandom Kitten GIF or Image!
lmaoWhen you want to laugh out loud!
marryDates, Propose, Marry, Honeymoon, Kids and so much more..marry [User].propose
patPats the mentioned user/role and sends an image in chat..pat [@user]Pat does not have any aliases.
pokePokes the mentioned user/role and sends a gif in chat..poke [@user]Poke does not have any aliases.
ponyRandom Pony GIF or Image!.ponyALIASES
puppyRandom Puppy GIF or Image!.puppy.doggo
shopweddingCreate your dream wedding step by step..shopweddingShopwedding does not have any aliases.
slapSlaps the mentioned user/role and sends an image in chat..slap [user]Slap does not have any aliases.
slotsTry your luck at some slot machines..slots [Amount].slotmachine
supernaturalSend a random Supernatural GIF to a friend!.supernatural [user].sn
tickleTickles the mentioned user/role and sends an image in chat..tickle [user]Tickle does not have any aliases.
urbanSearch for words and phrases on urban dictionary..urban [term/phrase]Urban does not have any aliases.
wisdomSends some wisdom in chat..wisdomWisdom does not have any aliases.

Gaming Commands

captureCapture the latest card that appeared..capture [Name of Card]Capture does not have any aliases.
twitchSetup twitch alerts for your server..twitch [Twitch Username][Game Name]Twitch does not have any aliases.

Leveling Commands

backgroundSelect a custom background picture for your profile..background [Category Name Or Background ID].bg
balanceCheck your balance..balance.bal .wallet
boostmeActivate your first available XP Booster..boostme.iamboosted .amiboosted .boostme
dailyGet Gamer Coins and XP per day..dailyDaily does not have any aliases.
leaderboardView the leaderboard for your server or the global leaderboard..leaderboard [User or global].lb
levelroleManage role rewards for your servers leveling system..levelrole [create or add or remove][Level Number] [Roles]Levelrole does not have any aliases.
payPay another user Gamer [user][amount].send .transfer
profileView the profile card of yourself or a user with a certain background..profile [User].p
xpAdd/Remove XP from a member..xp [add or remove][amount] [User]XP has no aliases.
xpresetReset the XP for a member, role, or the entire server..xpreset [User][Role]XPReset does not have any aliases.
xpresetvoiceReset the VOICE XP for a member, role, or the entire server..xpresetvoice [User][Role]Xpresetvoice does not have any aliases.

Mails Commands

labelManage labels for your mails to better organize your tickets..label [create or delete or list][Label Name] [Category ID]Label does not have any aliases.
mailSend a mail to the support team of the server..mail [close or dev] Your message here.m [c]

Moderation Commands

banBans a user from the server..ban [User][Reason].b
kickKicks a user from the server..kick [User][Reason].k
modlogReview or manage the entire modlog history of a member..modlog [User]
.modlog [remove][Case ID].ml
moveMoves members to the provided voice channel..move [voiceChannelID][@user] <@user> ...Move has no aliases!
muteMute a member in the server. Enter a duration to mute them for a period of time.mute [User][time or text or voice] [Reason]Mute does not have any aliases.
nickEasily change the nickname of a member on your server..nick [User][Nickname]Nick does not have any aliases.
purgePurges a certain amount of messages..purgePurge does not have any aliases.
reasonUpdate a mod log reason or belated adding of a reason..reason [Case ID][New Reason].case
unbanUnbans a user from the server..unban [User][Reason].ub
unmuteUnmute a member in either voice, text or both channels..unmute [User][Reason]Unmute does not have any aliases.
warnWarns a user on your server..warn [User][Reason].w

Network Commands

networkcreateCreates your social network profile server..networkcreateNetworkcreate does not have any aliases.
networkfollowFollow or unfollow a user social network..networkfollow [@User or User ID]Networkfollow does not have any aliases.

Roles Commands

giveGive a role to another member..give [@User or User ID][@Role or Role ID or Role Name]Give does not have any aliases.
publicAdd a role to the list of public roles that users can assign themself with the role command..public [@Role or Role ID or Role Name]Public does not have any aliases.
reactionroleaddAdd a reaction to a reaction role on your server..reactionroleadd [Name][Emoji Name] [@Role or Role ID or Role Name].rra
reactionrolecreateCreate a reaction role on your server..reactionrolecreate [Message ID][Name] [Emoji Name][@Role or Role ID or Role Name].rrc
reactionroledeleteDelete a reaction role on your server..reactionroledelete [Name].rrd
reactionroleremoveRemove a reaction from a reaction role on your server..reactionroleremove [Name][Emoji Name].rrr
reactionrolesView all the reaction roles on your server..reactionrolesReactionroles does not have any aliases.
roleAdds/removes a role from the self assignable list to yourself..role [@Role or Role ID or Role Name].r .rank
roleinfoShows you information about a role..roleinfo [Role].ri
rolemessagecreateCreate or update a role message to be sent when a user gets or loses a role..rolemessagecreate [add or remove][#Channel] [@Role or Role ID][Message or JSON Code].rmc
rolemessagedeleteDelete a role message from the server..rolemessagedelete [@Role or Role ID or Role Name].rmd
rolemessagesView all the role messages on your server..rolemessagesRolemessages does not have any aliases.
rolesetaddAdd a role to a roleset..rolesetadd [Name][@Role or Role ID or Role Name].rsa
rolesetcreateCreate a roleset on your server..rolesetcreate [Name][@Role or Role ID or Role Name].rsc
rolesetdeleteDelete a roleset on your server..rolesetdelete [Name].rsd
rolesetremoveRemove a role from a roleset..rolesetremove [Name][@Role or Role ID or Role Name].rsr
rolesetsView all the rolesets on your server..rolesetsRolesets does not have any aliases.
takeTake a role to another member..take [@User or User ID][@Role or Role ID or Role Name]Take does not have any aliases.

Settings Commands

afkThe away from keyboard (or AFK) command allows you to set an auto respond message to anyone who mentions you, when enabled..afk [Your Message]AFK does not have any aliases.
resetDANGEROUS! Use this command to remove all data associated with your account or your server..resetReset does not have any aliases.
setcapitalSet the verification settings for your server..setcapital [enable or disable or # Amount]Setcapital does not have any aliases
setcaptureSetup or update the trading card module..setcapture [Game Name][#Channel]Setcapture does not have any aliases
seteventsSet the events settings..setevents [channel or removechannel or role or removerole][#Channel or @Role]Setevents does not have any aliases.
setfeedbackSet the verification settings for your server..setfeedback [setup or idea or bugs][#Channel]Setfeedback does not have any aliases
sethibyeSetup welcome/goodbye messages on your server..sethibye [welcome or goodbye][channel or dm or message] [#Channel or Message JSON Code].setwelcome .setgoodbye
setlanguageSet a language/personality for your server..setlanguage [Language Name]Setlanguage does not have any aliases.
setlogsSet the logs feature on your server..setlogs [setup]Setlogs does not have any aliases
setmailSet up the mail system as per your needs..setmail [enable or disable or channel or roles][#Channel or @Role]Setmail does not have any aliases.
setmodlogsSet the mod logs channel on your server..setmodlogs [enable or disable or channel]modlogs does not have any aliases
setmuteSet the mute role settings..setmute [setup or disable]Setmute does not have any aliases.
setpermissionSet the permissions to using a command on your server..setpermission [Command Name or allcommands][on or off] [Channels or Roles].setperm .setignore
setprefixSet a custom prefix on your server..setprefix [New Prefix]Setprefix does not have any aliases.
setprofanitySet the verification settings for your server..setprofanity [enable or disable or add or remove or strict or setup][add or remove] [word]Setprofanity does not have any aliases
setstaffSet the mod/admin roles for your server..setstaff [admin or mod][@Role or Role ID or Role Name]Setstaff does not have any aliases
settagSet the tags related settings for your server..settag [mail or channel][Tag Name or #Channel].settags
settenorEnable or disable using a whitelisted or raw Tenor GIFS in fun commands..settenorSettenor does not have any aliases.
setverifySet the verification settings for your server..setverify [enable or disable or channel or role or message or internal][#Channel or @Role or JSON Code]Setverify does not have any aliases
setwhitelistedSet the verification settings for your server..setwhitelisted [enable or disable or channel or role or user or url][#Channel or @Role or @User or URL]Setwhitelisted does not have any aliases
viewprofanityView a list of all the profanity words in your server..viewprofanity [strict].viewwords

Shortcuts Commands

shortcutcreateCreate a shortcut to run commands in custom ways..shortcutcreate [deletetrigger][Shortcut Name] [Command Name][Command Arguments].scc
shortcutremoveRemove a shortcut from your server..shortcutremove [Shortcut Name].scr
shortcutsShows a list of all your shortcuts..shortcutsShortcuts does not have any aliases.

Tags Commands

tagcreateCreate a tag on the server..tagcreate [Name][basic or advanced] {object}.tc
tagdeleteDelete a tag on the server..tagdelete [Name].td
taginstallDESCRIPTION.taginstall [Server Name or Server ID]Taginstall does not have any aliases.
tagpublicMakes the tags on your server able to be installed from any server..tagpublic [Tag Names]Tagpublic does not have any aliases.
tagshowShows the embedcode for your tags..tagshow [Name].ts
taguninstallDESCRIPTION.taguninstall [Server Name or Server ID]Taguninstall does not have any aliases.

Utility Commands

imgurUpload an image to imgur and receive a link..imgur [urlDiscordimage]
quoteQuote a message with a message id..quote [Message ID][Channel]Quote has no aliases.

VIP Commands

analyzeView your servers
analyzechannelView your servers analytics for one channel in specific..analyzechannel [Channel].analyticschannel
exportExport all the feedback into a CSV file after a certain feedback message using the feedback id..export [Message ID][#Channel]Export does not have any aliases.
rolefromallRemove a role to every member on the server..rolefromall [@Role or Role ID or RoleName][@Role or Role ID or RoleName]Rolefromall does not have any aliases.
roletoallAdd a role to every member on the server..roletoall [@Role or Role ID or RoleName].oprahrole
vipregisterRegisters your server as a VIP server..vipregister.vipr

Weeb Commands

mangaSetup manga alerts for your server..manga [subscribe or unsubscribe or list][Title]Manga does not have any aliases.
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