Basic Commands
Command | Purpose | Usage | Aliases |
help | Display general help, all commands and help for a specific command. | .help [all or Command Name] | .h |
invite | Displays the invite link for the bot to invite it to your server and also a link to join the Support server if you need help. | .invite | .join |
ping | Gives information about the bot. | .ping | .pong |
server | Shows valuable information about your server. | .server | .si |
upvote | Vote for the bot to get amazing rewards! | .upvote | .vote |
upvotedonate | Donate your votes to another user. | .upvotedonate [amount][@User] | .votedonate |
user | View another members information. | .user [@user] | .ui .userinfo |
verify | Starts the verification process set on this server. | .verify [Unlock Code] | Verify does not have any aliases. |
Embedding Commands
Command | Purpose | Usage | Aliases |
embed | Makes an embed from the embed object you input. | .embed [@User] {object} | Embed does not have any aliases. |
embededit | Edit any existing embed that was originally sent by Gamer bot. | .embededit [Message ID][Embed Code] | Embededit does not have any aliases. |
embedshow | Lets you see the embed code of an embed so that you can easily edit it using an embed builder | .embedshow [Message ID] | .se |
Emojis Commands
Command | Purpose | Usage | Aliases |
emojicreate | Create a global emoji you can use on any discord server. | .emojicreate [Name][Emoji] | .emc |
emojidelete | Delete a global emoji you created. | .emojicreate [Name] | .emd |
emojis | Shows a list of all your global emojis you have saved in the database. | .emojis | .em |
Events Commands
Command | Purpose | Usage | Aliases |
eventadd | Add members to an event! | .eventjoin [Event ID][@User or @Role] | .eadd |
eventadvertise | Advertise an event from the database. | .eventadvertise [Event ID] | .ead |
eventcreate | Create a new event in your server so people can RSVP. | .eventcreate [Tempate Name] | .ec |
eventdelete | Delete an event from the database. | .eventdelete [Event ID] | .ed |
eventdeny | Deny participation in an event. | .eventdeny [Event ID] | .edeny |
eventedit | Edit an event! | .eventjoin # [Setting Name][Value For The Setting] | .ee |
eventjoin | Join an event so you can be alerted when it starts! | .eventjoin [Event ID] | .ej |
eventkick | Kick a member from the event! | .eventkick [Event ID][@User] | .ek |
eventleave | Leave an event if you no longer can attend it! | .eventleave [Event ID] | .el |
events | View, create, join and manage events. | .events | .e |
eventshow | Shows the details of an event. | .eventshow [#] | .es |
remind | Create a reminder for yourself. | .remind [Time From Now][Frequency Interval Time] [Message] | .remindme |
reminddelete | Delete one of your reminders. | .reminddelete [Reminder ID] | .rd .remindmedelete .reminderdelete |
Feedback Commands
Command | Purpose | Usage | Aliases |
bugs | Send a bug report to your server staff. | .bugs [Your bug report] | .bug |
idea | Send a idea feedback to your server staff. | .idea [Your idea] | Idea does not have any aliases. |
Fun Commands
Command | Purpose | Usage | Aliases |
8ball | Get answers to your questions! | .8ball [Your Question Here] | .8ball .8b .fortune |
advice | Receive random advice in the chat. | .advice [@User or User ID] | .ad |
avatar | View the avatar of a user on the server. | .avatar | .userimage .pfp |
baka | Sends a Baka! gif in the current channel. | .baka [User or Role] | Baka does not have any aliases. |
coinflip | Bet on a coinflip. | .coinflip [Heads/Tails][Amount] | .cf |
compliment | Make anyones day better with a random positive gif! | .compliment [User or Role] | .comp |
cuddle | When you really need a good cuddle. | .cuddle [User] | Cuddle does not have any aliases. |
divorce | Divorce your spouse. | .divorce | Divorce does not have any aliases. |
gif | Send a random gif by providing a category. | .gif [Topic] | Gif does not have any aliases. |
hug | Hugs the mentioned user/role and sends a gif into the chat. | .hug [user] | Hug does not have any aliases. |
kanna | The Kanna command sends a random gif in the chat to increase your daily good-vibes-intake. | .kanna | Kanna does not have any aliases. |
kiss | Kisses the mentioned user/role and sends an image in chat. | .kiss [user] | Kiss does not have any aliases. |
kitten | Random Kitten GIF or Image! | .kitten | .cat |
lmao | When you want to laugh out loud! | .lmao | .lol |
marry | Dates, Propose, Marry, Honeymoon, Kids and so much more. | .marry [User] | .propose |
pat | Pats the mentioned user/role and sends an image in chat. | .pat [@user] | Pat does not have any aliases. |
poke | Pokes the mentioned user/role and sends a gif in chat. | .poke [@user] | Poke does not have any aliases. |
pony | Random Pony GIF or Image! | .pony | ALIASES |
puppy | Random Puppy GIF or Image! | .puppy | .doggo |
shopwedding | Create your dream wedding step by step. | .shopwedding | Shopwedding does not have any aliases. |
slap | Slaps the mentioned user/role and sends an image in chat. | .slap [user] | Slap does not have any aliases. |
slots | Try your luck at some slot machines. | .slots [Amount] | .slotmachine |
supernatural | Send a random Supernatural GIF to a friend! | .supernatural [user] | .sn |
tickle | Tickles the mentioned user/role and sends an image in chat. | .tickle [user] | Tickle does not have any aliases. |
urban | Search for words and phrases on urban dictionary. | .urban [term/phrase] | Urban does not have any aliases. |
wisdom | Sends some wisdom in chat. | .wisdom | Wisdom does not have any aliases. |
Gaming Commands
Command | Purpose | Usage | Aliases |
capture | Capture the latest card that appeared. | .capture [Name of Card] | Capture does not have any aliases. |
twitch | Setup twitch alerts for your server. | .twitch [Twitch Username][Game Name] | Twitch does not have any aliases. |
Leveling Commands
Command | Purpose | Usage | Aliases |
background | Select a custom background picture for your profile. | .background [Category Name Or Background ID] | .bg |
balance | Check your balance. | .balance | .bal .wallet |
boostme | Activate your first available XP Booster. | .boostme | .iamboosted .amiboosted .boostme |
daily | Get Gamer Coins and XP per day. | .daily | Daily does not have any aliases. |
leaderboard | View the leaderboard for your server or the global leaderboard. | .leaderboard [User or global] | .lb |
levelrole | Manage role rewards for your servers leveling system. | .levelrole [create or add or remove][Level Number] [Roles] | Levelrole does not have any aliases. |
pay | Pay another user Gamer Coins. | .pay [user][amount] | .send .transfer |
profile | View the profile card of yourself or a user with a certain background. | .profile [User] | .p |
xp | Add/Remove XP from a member. | .xp [add or remove][amount] [User] | XP has no aliases. |
xpreset | Reset the XP for a member, role, or the entire server. | .xpreset [User][Role] | XPReset does not have any aliases. |
xpresetvoice | Reset the VOICE XP for a member, role, or the entire server. | .xpresetvoice [User][Role] | Xpresetvoice does not have any aliases. |
Mails Commands
Command | Purpose | Usage | Aliases |
label | Manage labels for your mails to better organize your tickets. | .label [create or delete or list][Label Name] [Category ID] | Label does not have any aliases. |
Send a mail to the support team of the server. | .mail [close or dev] Your message here | .m [c] |
Moderation Commands
Command | Purpose | Usage | Aliases |
ban | Bans a user from the server. | .ban [User][Reason] | .b |
kick | Kicks a user from the server. | .kick [User][Reason] | .k |
modlog | Review or manage the entire modlog history of a member. | .modlog [User] | |
.modlog [remove][Case ID] | .ml | ||
move | Moves members to the provided voice channel. | .move [voiceChannelID][@user] <@user> ... | Move has no aliases! |
mute | Mute a member in the server. Enter a duration to mute them for a period of time | .mute [User][time or text or voice] [Reason] | Mute does not have any aliases. |
nick | Easily change the nickname of a member on your server. | .nick [User][Nickname] | Nick does not have any aliases. |
purge | Purges a certain amount of messages. | .purge | Purge does not have any aliases. |
reason | Update a mod log reason or belated adding of a reason. | .reason [Case ID][New Reason] | .case |
removemodlog | DESCRIPTION | USAGE | ALIASES |
unban | Unbans a user from the server. | .unban [User][Reason] | .ub |
unmute | Unmute a member in either voice, text or both channels. | .unmute [User][Reason] | Unmute does not have any aliases. |
warn | Warns a user on your server. | .warn [User][Reason] | .w |
Network Commands
Command | Purpose | Usage | Aliases |
networkcreate | Creates your social network profile server. | .networkcreate | Networkcreate does not have any aliases. |
networkfollow | Follow or unfollow a user social network. | .networkfollow [@User or User ID] | Networkfollow does not have any aliases. |
Roles Commands
Command | Purpose | Usage | Aliases |
give | Give a role to another member. | .give [@User or User ID][@Role or Role ID or Role Name] | Give does not have any aliases. |
public | Add a role to the list of public roles that users can assign themself with the role command. | .public [@Role or Role ID or Role Name] | Public does not have any aliases. |
reactionroleadd | Add a reaction to a reaction role on your server. | .reactionroleadd [Name][Emoji Name] [@Role or Role ID or Role Name] | .rra |
reactionrolecreate | Create a reaction role on your server. | .reactionrolecreate [Message ID][Name] [Emoji Name][@Role or Role ID or Role Name] | .rrc |
reactionroledelete | Delete a reaction role on your server. | .reactionroledelete [Name] | .rrd |
reactionroleremove | Remove a reaction from a reaction role on your server. | .reactionroleremove [Name][Emoji Name] | .rrr |
reactionroles | View all the reaction roles on your server. | .reactionroles | Reactionroles does not have any aliases. |
role | Adds/removes a role from the self assignable list to yourself. | .role [@Role or Role ID or Role Name] | .r .rank |
roleinfo | Shows you information about a role. | .roleinfo [Role] | .ri |
rolemessagecreate | Create or update a role message to be sent when a user gets or loses a role. | .rolemessagecreate [add or remove][#Channel] [@Role or Role ID][Message or JSON Code] | .rmc |
rolemessagedelete | Delete a role message from the server. | .rolemessagedelete [@Role or Role ID or Role Name] | .rmd |
rolemessages | View all the role messages on your server. | .rolemessages | Rolemessages does not have any aliases. |
rolesetadd | Add a role to a roleset. | .rolesetadd [Name][@Role or Role ID or Role Name] | .rsa |
rolesetcreate | Create a roleset on your server. | .rolesetcreate [Name][@Role or Role ID or Role Name] | .rsc |
rolesetdelete | Delete a roleset on your server. | .rolesetdelete [Name] | .rsd |
rolesetremove | Remove a role from a roleset. | .rolesetremove [Name][@Role or Role ID or Role Name] | .rsr |
rolesets | View all the rolesets on your server. | .rolesets | Rolesets does not have any aliases. |
take | Take a role to another member. | .take [@User or User ID][@Role or Role ID or Role Name] | Take does not have any aliases. |
Settings Commands
Command | Purpose | Usage | Aliases |
afk | The away from keyboard (or AFK) command allows you to set an auto respond message to anyone who mentions you, when enabled. | .afk [Your Message] | AFK does not have any aliases. |
reset | DANGEROUS! Use this command to remove all data associated with your account or your server. | .reset | Reset does not have any aliases. |
setcapital | Set the verification settings for your server. | .setcapital [enable or disable or # Amount] | Setcapital does not have any aliases |
setcapture | Setup or update the trading card module. | .setcapture [Game Name][#Channel] | Setcapture does not have any aliases |
setevents | Set the events settings. | .setevents [channel or removechannel or role or removerole][#Channel or @Role] | Setevents does not have any aliases. |
setfeedback | Set the verification settings for your server. | .setfeedback [setup or idea or bugs][#Channel] | Setfeedback does not have any aliases |
sethibye | Setup welcome/goodbye messages on your server. | .sethibye [welcome or goodbye][channel or dm or message] [#Channel or Message JSON Code] | .setwelcome .setgoodbye |
setlanguage | Set a language/personality for your server. | .setlanguage [Language Name] | Setlanguage does not have any aliases. |
setlogs | Set the logs feature on your server. | .setlogs [setup] | Setlogs does not have any aliases |
setmail | Set up the mail system as per your needs. | .setmail [enable or disable or channel or roles][#Channel or @Role] | Setmail does not have any aliases. |
setmodlogs | Set the mod logs channel on your server. | .setmodlogs [enable or disable or channel] | modlogs does not have any aliases |
setmute | Set the mute role settings. | .setmute [setup or disable] | Setmute does not have any aliases. |
setpermission | Set the permissions to using a command on your server. | .setpermission [Command Name or allcommands][on or off] [Channels or Roles] | .setperm .setignore |
setprefix | Set a custom prefix on your server. | .setprefix [New Prefix] | Setprefix does not have any aliases. |
setprofanity | Set the verification settings for your server. | .setprofanity [enable or disable or add or remove or strict or setup][add or remove] [word] | Setprofanity does not have any aliases |
setstaff | Set the mod/admin roles for your server. | .setstaff [admin or mod][@Role or Role ID or Role Name] | Setstaff does not have any aliases |
setstrictwords | DESCRIPTION | USAGE | ALIASES |
settag | Set the tags related settings for your server. | .settag [mail or channel][Tag Name or #Channel] | .settags |
settenor | Enable or disable using a whitelisted or raw Tenor GIFS in fun commands. | .settenor | Settenor does not have any aliases. |
setverify | Set the verification settings for your server. | .setverify [enable or disable or channel or role or message or internal][#Channel or @Role or JSON Code] | Setverify does not have any aliases |
setwhitelisted | Set the verification settings for your server. | .setwhitelisted [enable or disable or channel or role or user or url][#Channel or @Role or @User or URL] | Setwhitelisted does not have any aliases |
viewprofanity | View a list of all the profanity words in your server. | .viewprofanity [strict] | .viewwords |
Shortcuts Commands
Command | Purpose | Usage | Aliases |
shortcutcreate | Create a shortcut to run commands in custom ways. | .shortcutcreate [deletetrigger][Shortcut Name] [Command Name][Command Arguments] | .scc |
shortcutremove | Remove a shortcut from your server. | .shortcutremove [Shortcut Name] | .scr |
shortcuts | Shows a list of all your shortcuts. | .shortcuts | Shortcuts does not have any aliases. |
Tags Commands
Command | Purpose | Usage | Aliases |
tagcreate | Create a tag on the server. | .tagcreate [Name][basic or advanced] {object} | .tc |
tagdelete | Delete a tag on the server. | .tagdelete [Name] | .td |
taginstall | DESCRIPTION | .taginstall [Server Name or Server ID] | Taginstall does not have any aliases. |
tagpublic | Makes the tags on your server able to be installed from any server. | .tagpublic [Tag Names] | Tagpublic does not have any aliases. |
tagshow | Shows the embedcode for your tags. | .tagshow [Name] | .ts |
taguninstall | DESCRIPTION | .taguninstall [Server Name or Server ID] | Taguninstall does not have any aliases. |
Utility Commands
Command | Purpose | Usage | Aliases |
imgur | Upload an image to imgur and receive a link. | .imgur [url | Discordimage] |
quote | Quote a message with a message id. | .quote [Message ID][Channel] | Quote has no aliases. |
VIP Commands
Command | Purpose | Usage | Aliases |
analyze | View your servers analytics. | .analyze | .analytics |
analyzechannel | View your servers analytics for one channel in specific. | .analyzechannel [Channel] | .analyticschannel |
export | Export all the feedback into a CSV file after a certain feedback message using the feedback id. | .export [Message ID][#Channel] | Export does not have any aliases. |
rolefromall | Remove a role to every member on the server. | .rolefromall [@Role or Role ID or RoleName][@Role or Role ID or RoleName] | Rolefromall does not have any aliases. |
roletoall | Add a role to every member on the server. | .roletoall [@Role or Role ID or RoleName] | .oprahrole |
vipregister | Registers your server as a VIP server. | .vipregister | .vipr |
Weeb Commands
Command | Purpose | Usage | Aliases |
manga | Setup manga alerts for your server. | .manga [subscribe or unsubscribe or list][Title] | Manga does not have any aliases. |